10 Quick Fire Questions with David Charman
1 – What made you choose CBE as your EPoS supplier?
We worked with an alternative supplier for many years, but that relationship deteriorated, in terms of getting things done became almost impossible, they also tended to use much older equipment. What attracted me the most to CBE was they always use the most up to date high-spec equipment and are always providing new innovative ideas. The people and the processes of CBE were also a major factor in choosing them, we felt it suited our business in every way.
2 – What are the main trends you are observing within your industry?
A move to more fresh local products. During these uncertain times we are seeing a lot of new customers as they are looking for a quick shopping experience and CBE’s products certainly help with that. It is also very interesting to see that people are keener to see loose products being available rather than packaged products.
3 – Can you describe what a typical working day looks like for you?
The beauty of my job is that everyday is different to the previous. We are always looking at what we are going to promote next, whether it is Christmas, Easter or Summer and trying to make sure that everything within our store is relevant. As we have different people looking after the various parts of the business, fuel, shop, butchery, bakery & carwash, we try to get them involved in as much of the decision making as possible.
4 – What do you love about your job?
Mostly my staff. I love the fact the job is different everyday and meeting new faces from the public that is 99% of the time a very pleasurable experience.
5 – What do you feel is your greatest strength?
My staff are my greatest strength, they know most of our customers and the relationship that we maintain with them. They trust us to provide them with their food and that is a big ask. This year more than most we have made sure that we have all the essential items that they need to purchase.
6 – How do you think your employees would describe you?
I think they would say I am quite a generous person; I look after them and they are proud to work for us.
7 – What job role within your company would you be terrible at?
Serving on the till, I used to be very good, now I’m the slowest!
8 – What is the most heartwarming thing you have ever seen an employee do for a customer?
There are so many different examples I could highlight. We have gone that extra mile by driving customers home if the weather was bad. A person arrived at the forecourt one day with a broken windscreen and a staff member went out and hoovered the car for them and got them on their way. Some people get into a crisis when things do not go quite right and it is how you can look after them and support them during these times, which have happened on so many occasions.
9 – What do you do after a hard day at work?
When things go really well, I get to go home early. I get great satisfaction in seeing everybody smiling and I just love to relax when I get home.
10 – Finally, if you could have lunch with one person, who would it be, and why?
Id have to have lunch with Boris, it would give me a chance to get everything off my chest about what’s wrong with the country. I’m sure we would get on well, if not it would be a hell of a laugh!